

Soul-AnchoredĀ Singles

Personal Exploration and Development
from a Biblical Perspective

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Take a look at what our Singles' Class is like...

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Check Out Our Weekend Workshop!

What are


looking for?

Are you hungry for a community of Christ-followers who want to learn and grow into effective relationship builders?

Do you want to learn and master relationship skills you will need in dating and in your life?

We've got what you're looking for



"It was very useful to learn about how to manage my own expectations in the context of singleness and compare that to what scripture says."


"Not only did we learn a lot of great content, but we also got to do it in the moment, feel comfortable with it, and leave with even better understanding than we started with."


"The class offers incredible opportunities - many that I have never seen before - to do some interactive and transformative activities."

The Details

Answers to your burning questions:

  • WHY: 

Be challenged.

Gain confidence. 

Form deep relationships.

Fellowship with other singles.

Apply relationship techniques.

Uncover God's purpose.

Develop Godly maturity.

  • WHO: Unmarried men and women, ages 20-40.
  • WHAT: Teaching, Games, Application, and Resources - all focused on personal development and building healthy relationships.
  • WHERE: Austin, TX 
  • WHEN: We are currently in session! Click the button below to get our wait list for our next class!
All-Inclusive Weekend Workshop This Summer!
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Fun stuff to look forward to

at each gathering:

Delicious Food

Imagine, it's Friday and you've just gotten off work... You're looking for something delicious to eat and something fun to do. Check and check. 

Like-Minded Friends

What better way to spend a Friday evening than with other Christians dedicated to personal development from a Biblical perspective?!


You can look forward to investigating important topics in a fun way! There will be plenty of time to talk and apply and practice what you're learning.

Friday Night

We'll finish at 9:00 p.m. leaving time to go do something fun with some other members of the group! Perhaps go for ice cream, bowling, putt-putt, dancing? The night is young!

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6 Classes - 6 Topics

We'll dive in to each of the following topics during our classes and we'll take our time, covering just one topic per class. We'll have teaching, practice, group activities, and coaching to make sure you walk away with a thorough understanding of each topic. 


  • Do I know how to speak to be understood?
  • Do I know how to listen to truly understand?
  • What is the healthy way to handle conflict?
  • How can I identify and express what I am feeling in a healthy way?


  • What does it mean to renew your mind, biblically?
  • How can I handle change in a healthy, gracious manner?
  • What should I do when I'm disappointed?
  • What playlists do I have on repeat in my mind? Are they accurate?

Vision / Purpose

  • What’s my vision for my life? What's God's?
  • How do I choose between two good things?
  • Is my purpose the same thing as my career?   
  • How can I evaluate a person as a good potential friend and/or spouse?

Personality / Identity

  • What personality traits and gifts make me unique?
  • How can I gain more confidence (without arrogance)?
  • How can I further develop a growth mindset?
  • What does my family of origin have to do with my personality and behaviors?


  • Why is important to set boundaries in relationships?
  • How do I set authentic, healthy boundaries?
  • How do I stop playing games with the opposite sex?
  • How do I express who I am in appropriate ways (being genuine)?


  • Is conflict bad and should therefore be avoided?
  • How can I handle conflict in a mature and healthy manner? 
  • What is the right perspective to have going into conflict?
  • Why is conflict resolution important and how can I do it well?

How Will We Spend Our Time?

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Meet Your Coaches

(aka Adventure Guides)



Our vision is to see Christians walking in the fullness of who God created them to be and to be so anchored to the truth of God's Word that they go out into the world and affect change in their circles of influence. 

Cosmo and Suzi attend Hope Chapel in Austin, TX. Cosmo served as the college pastor for four years. Suzi has served in the Women's, Connections, and Children's Ministries. 

Since 2017, Cosmo and Suzi have served as Teaching Leaders for Bible Study Fellowship in the Austin Young Adult Class.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check Out Our Summer Weekend Workshop