E29 Don't Waste Your Life (The One about Suffering)

Season #1

Do you embrace challenges or do you curse them?

In this week's podcast episode, we listen to a clip from Ben Stuart (@ben_stuart_) of Passion City DC (@passioncitydc) where he talks about introducing his kids to the movie Karate Kid and the mind blowing realization they had during the movie. He is a great storyteller and we found so much depth to his analogy!

In this compelling episode, we dive into the profound truth that Jesus tests us not to break us but to build us. In Romans 5:3-5, we read, "...we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."

In short, enduring trials is essential for personal growth and spiritual maturity, and we can learn how to embrace challenges as opportunities to deepen our faith and fortify our character. We acknowledge that true satisfaction and resilience come from facing and overcoming adversity. We thank God for allowing us to experience pain because with the proper perspective, it prepares us for our God-given destiny, preventing us from wasting our lives in shallow pursuits.

Join us as we unpack the idea that real growth happens in the crucible of life's challenges, where we find strength, hope, and purpose. Whether your suffering is self-inflicted or a result of external circumstances, this episode will inspire you to seek God in the midst of it and emerge stronger and more faithful. Tune in to learn how to navigate life's trials with grace and discover the divine purpose behind your pain.

Listen to the Instagram Reel here.


IFLoW Weekend Workshop coming to Austin, TX, July 26-27th. Go to https://www.soulanchoring.com/ to learn more and register!


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blessings, cosmo + suzi